Thursday, June 4, 2015

The land of Delusion.....

Hi again. So yesterday ended up horrible. I am a hypochondriac and I have horrible anxiety so pare that with anything wrong with me or anyone I know and I'm a completely cluster fuck of a storm. welcome to my yesterday.

I'm not 100 percent today but fake it until you make it right?

So today I wanted to talk about how some word phrases make no sense like the one I can't even...

whenever I hear someone say that I always say : that's odd. lol get it even/odd. its not any dumber than the saying. I banned my kids from saying it.  seriously why even say it? you can't even what? cant tie your shoe, can't get a date, can't figure out life, cant even finish a sentence??? seriously stop being fucking stupid.

I'm only half functioning today I didn't sleep and my allergies are being an douche bag.  So welcome to my life. might want to wear a helmet because it's kinda a requirement.

I have another class tonight then only 2 more left! high five to the face! yo. I can't even.... I'm totally kidding. about that.

I mean I do have only 2 more left after tonight but the rest was a joke. but I sometimes do want to high five people in the face.

can we just take a moment to talk about my zulily addiction?  I thought my amazon one was bad, but zulily makes it so easy to one click buy shit. so easy. YEsterday 2 boxes and a blue bubble package came , none of it was for me it was all for the adoptee ( I'm not ready to talk about that whole shitfest yet) but still packages make me happy.

also Ebay...  that's always fun. But I get so competitive that I will pay more than I wanted to for something because god forbid I lose. I'm not as bad as I use to be. I'm actually just bidding and closing the page and if I win , awesome if not.... great.

This blog post is boring, I can't always be exciting. and I never told you to have any expectations for this blog because I'm the one writing it.

oh so this am I reminded the boys they were going to class with us tonight because it's all about adoption and my youngest son only half ass listened and said Eww why would we want to go to a  class about abortion??? good question kid! maybe you should listen to everything I say because we all know its fucking very useful information! kidding I laughed .

School is almost out for the summer. Next week is their last week. and our last week of class too.  Our pool is filled and ready for swimmers, there is a secret planned for next weekend I'm pretty excited about.  I'm not at all excited that for the next 2 weeks the temperature outside will literally be hell fire.

I'm boring myself so I will close this here, sorry for whoever reads this. If you got this far let me know and I will send you a gold star or an apology I'm not sure what one maybe both.