Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday is my 2nd favorite F word.

What is my first favorite F word? French Fries DUH! have you seen my ass, it's not like I don't eat them.

Speaking of ass I just got back from an hour at the gym which consisted of mostly cardio. High Five me!

I woke and my allergies are being a D bag so there is that going on.  I don't have anything planned for today and it feels amazing, not like the feeling when your hair is being stroked or your being kissed but not as bad a the feeling of a spider crawling on you and you look but there is nothing, that shit is terrifying because what if there was a spider on you and it is like a chameleon and it just blends in with your skin?

I know a ton of Seniors graduating on Saturday and I'm not going to any of their ceremonies ... because I'm a dick. Actually I might go to an after party because for once I want to eat other peoples foods, parties are always held at my house and I supply everything and they eat everything and leave and I have the mess. I want to go thrash someone else's party / house/life . because I'm a dick. I already said this.

Next year I'm going to have a Freshman and Junior. Who let this shit happen? who let my kids get so old? whoever is in charge of age should be fired. Maybe there isn't anyone in charge of it that's why it's so out of control. Thanks Obama.

I'm currently addicted to Pretty Little liars, I mean I always have been but season 5 was just released on Netflix and I have been binge watching it its dumb and it takes all I have to watch a full episode but I'm committed damn it. I really just like the Ezra and Aria parade . and clearly because I'm forever like 16.

This weekend is going to be like 5 million degrees but we decided its the weekend we clean the whole house. my house isn't that big but I swear I live with a bunch of hoarders. We are officially downsizing . We eventually have to move rooms around and such but for now were going to clean bedrooms and make them less bomb blew up looking and more like the Sate is coming to check our house out because they literally will be at any time, without warning. oh the joys of adoption.

That's all for today kids. Maybe if something exiting happens I'll post again today but for now i'm going to go see what aria and ezra are up to .


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