Tuesday, June 2, 2015


So I woke up today and thought man I am not getting out of bed today, but Obviously I did get out of bed, because duh.
Then as I sat on the couch not even the least bit dressed ( ok I am dressed) a great Idea occurred to me that I should probably start a blog. Because my life is not even the least bit interesting but I always seem to have a lot to say.

So Hi welcome to the ramblings of me. I am Amy and I am probably the most random , blonde ding dong you could ever meet. My life is crazy. I am almost 35. I have been married almost 17 years. I know you all are doing the math so I will help your brain out I was married when I was 18. I have 2 teenage sons. and were in the process of adopting a toddler. (much much more on that later.)

Sidenote : if you are a grammer Nazi you should run far away from this blog because I have no F's when it comes to that. I just don't have time for that shiz.

I live in a stupid town that I desperately want out of . I try to work out and run everyday, but lets face it its more like a few times a week because LIFE.

I don't have any expectations for this blog. I just will come here daily and post bullshit mostly. or whatever is on my mind. which lets face it is mostly bullshit. 

You should probably know that I'm real, I have no filter most the time on my mouth, I say whatever comes to mind, and I cuss a lot.  I am an adult its one of the perks. I am a crappy housewife, I mean I have the greatest intentions of doing all the laundry but sometimes I get distracted by Netflix and the washing machine may or may not wash the clothes 3 times before they actually go to the dryer. Oh Netflix you are the reason shit doesn't get done, but I do love you so.

also did I mention I have an awesome husband? because I do. he is the best human I have ever known. he is my everything.

um, your probably wondering what is the point to this blog? well that's the thing there isn't a point to it. Just like there isn't a point to most anything I do. I just do stuff mostly I do it half assed but sometimes I fully do stuff. Like shopping I commit  the shit out of shopping. why quit what your good at right? am I right?

This is also my birthday month. So there will be lots about that, because there is nothing I Like more than talking about me.. that's a lie, I currently have mixed feelings about myself. but I do like talking about nonsense so lets keep to that topic.

I haven't blogged in years, so I will end this one here. because it will just be more randomness and Honey there will be loads of that in every other thing I post.


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