Wednesday, June 3, 2015

I could really use a drink.

I don't always drink , but when I do it's most the time. I'm kidding. I think.

So Hi, I don't know what I want to talk about today so this should be interesting..

I just got back from the gym. I try to go 4 days a week but sometimes its like 2 or 3 but 4 is my goal. so full of goals this one.

So I went to Adoption class yesterday, and one I have horrible ADD so sitting there for 3 hours is torture, but add cramps and a horrible day to the mix and I didn't really want to people at all yesterday. But I did it because I had to. There is this one lady who is in the class and she annoys the holy living shit out of me.  She has to be the second coming of Christ (if you believe that bs)  because she knows all and is the most perfect person to walk the face of the earth. NEWSFLASH I am the most perfect person. Roll has been taken. I'm sure maybe she is in the trailer park , but were out of the park in the class.

3 more classes, 3 more classes. That's what I repeat to myself . It does not work but at least I'm not choking her in my mind. I wouldn't actually choke someone but you know what I mean. and if you don't we can't be friends. sorry.

Today I really don't feel like doing anything. But I really need to clean my kids rooms. I know they are teenagers but DAMN ! boys are gross. I'm kinda scared to clean their rooms.. what if I find gross stuff that I will never be able to erase from my mind??? what if they have a dead hooker under their bed?  what if I find the reason to why they never have socks?  so much I'm not prepared for. I guess today won't be the day I clean their room. that problem is solved.

Do your kids ever say shit and your like, yep I created that? or you think.. maybe I Should of breast feed them longer...  Yesterday was the latter with my oldest, He is going to be 16 and he looks nothing like me but he talks and your like oh there she is.

So he comes home from school and offers me a starburst and I decline because (diet) I actually really wanted one but I said no, so he goes in his room and later comes back out with them and then I ate 3 ( I'm only human) so he says to me : Mom I reached a whole new level of lazy today, walking home exhausted me  so much that I was to tired to take the wrapper off the starburst so I just ate the whole thing wrapper and all, and the saddest part is I ate like 3 or 4 of them that way...

I seriously just looked at him then I\ posted it to facebook because, mom of the year award isn't going to earn itself.

So there is a huge fire currently raging in my town , well the out skirts of town, I wish it would burn the whole town down, not the people I'm not a total nut job.  It can get my house though, I could volunteer for tribute.  (my house, not me)

I'm done rambling for today. I have a post for tomorrow already thought out as I was typing this one. always thinking this one.


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