Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Lesbehonest here....

So yesterday was a cluster cuss. (bonus  points if you know where I got cluster cuss from)

Some people need to learn when to shut their mouths. From what they said I know they have read my blog which creeps me out to no end. But whatever I forget sometimes I'm a big deal. Anyway what was said does not matter they will be gone in a few weeks just like the others.

Here is the thing , I am an adult and I don't play games.  I tend to Win them. I'm not really someone who cares what you think of me, for all the people who hate me there are 10 more that love me. I just don't care.  I don't have time for bullshit. I'm to busy doing me.

I love when people who have no fucking Idea who I am try to start shit. Seriously if  I don't tell you why that is a bad Idea I have some pretty close friends who will knock you out before I can even stand up.  That was a metaphor. I don't condone fighting.

I just hate drama.

So here is something  I'm so incredibly proud of

Today at the gym I usually do walk a min, walk faster a min then continue for 10 mins . after  do all my other stuff , it's always the last thing I do at the gym. Today  thought you know what I need to step this shit up because  have 2 5ks next month. So I Ran a min walked a min for 12 mins. I was doing an 18 min mile pace. 3 mins in to this I ripped open the blister that was forming from the start, I kicked my shoes off and ran/walked the rest barefoot. I will not be stopped.  I am so so proud of myself.

I also did 50 lat pull downs on 50#s and folding laundry was a bitch but  did it.

I'm starting to step out of my comfort zone at the gym and it feels amazing.  The high i get from the gym erases all the sadness/pain I have inside and I crave that escape. I'm just glad it's not drugs. I prefer the gym to anything.

I am completely exhausted but its so rewarding. I have a long way to go to meet all my goals but everyone has to start somewhere.

off to shower and then clean it's my only completely simi free day this week.


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Satan you can have your weather back!

Holy christ on a crutch ! we have been in the 115* area for 3 days now. Seriously my UPS dude came and dumped half his body into the pool to cool off. It's ridiculously hot, My huge ass pool is 80* I wanted to cool off not take a bath!

enough about how I'm sweating to death and the stupid heat.

So I got the dorky Yorkie Groomed today. He looks so much better and has to feel better too. It only took 2.5 hours because my dog is a d bag about being groomed. Hopefully he gets used to it.  All the fighting he did wore him out he has been asleep an hour now.

I am covered in dog hair and should be going to take a shower , but Here I am thinking oh I should update the blog, because I told myself I'd do it everyday. There are a million things I'd rather be doing everyday and I choose this. You are welcome.

I have my 2nd to last adoption class tonight. The class room is so hot and gross and this should be so much fun, I mean.

I have a lot of things to do this week, and I mean a lot before Saturday and it's hard because it's hot and I hate the heat.. Oh shit i said we wouldn't talk about that anymore.

here is a true funny fact about me, I was like 30 before I knew that you spelled  Saturday with a U, I was yard sailing with my sister in law and I said what a bunch of dumbasses they spelled Saturday wrong, and she said how do you think you spell it I said not with a U , and she about pissed herself laughing.  and I'm reminded quiet often about that .

my oldest saw the yorkie for the first time since his hair cut and leo is just all over him like look what they did to me! look at my hair! JUST LOOK AT IT!

What a drama queen.

Well I am going to go shower this hair off me because ewww, and Then Go clean up the hair that is all over the kitchen.

k ? thanks ! bye.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Best Friend day.

and that's how my bestie and I talk to each other. we keep it real. like when he told me I look my age, I'm still pissed about that because I don't neither of us do. but he is a jackass what are ya gonna do? because punch him really hard.

Yes my best friend is a dude. Get over it. It always seems to be an issue but it's not really. He is like my brother. I am happily married and that is that.

My husband is bestfriend level 7 million . I hate the label bestfriend.  My husband would be the closest human alive to me, and J would be next.

I call him my bestie because its funny but he is just another human I let in, when I build a lot of walls to keep others out. I've had close girl friends and I still do but there is way less drama with J than I have to deal with , when it comes to girls.

J and I have a bond, we both lost the one person we loved dearly and that is why we even started talking in the first place.

I shouldn't have to explain anything but I always feel like I should. but I'm not going to. It is what it is.

NOw on to other shit.

I am still sick, I still do not have a proper voice, more like a crack head who smokes 3 packs a day voice when it even wants to show up, it's mostly like a voice that whispers they are going to kill you on the phone then hangs up, yeah I got that voice down. yo.

I watch a lot of scary movies, like A lot.  I like them. Idk why exactly but I do.

Its going to be 110 here today . let that sink in. not even my pool is going to save my ass from this heat.

I need to get my house cleaned because people are coming over this weekend, but I find myself browsing ebay and avoiding life. I haven't even gotten dressed today and I've been up since 5. I seriously just shook my own head on that last sentence. GET YOUR SHIT TOGHETER GINA! and that's not even my name that's how bad it is lol.

I'm going to go for now to go pretend I have a plan today besides melting into my faux leather couch, that was another brite idea I had. I live in the desert where it can get like 115 lets buy a GIANT faux leather couch. seemed ligit at the time.

Have a awesome day B's


Sunday, June 7, 2015

Sunday Is not my fun day.

OmG! so I woke up with a little more of a voice but I feel like shit. I hate allergies. Know what I do love my awesome Hubby who has been working his ass off while I'm down to get the house ready for next weekend. I can't say what for because it's a surprise.

So yesterday was eventful I was down for the count all morning. I missed the graduation, I didn't see my oldest perform his last band duty for the year and I feel like a ass for that. but what are you going to do.

then around 1 hubs and I snuck away for a lunch date, then we went to his favorite tap house, then we went fishing. See when I'm sick I never just take a whole day off, I over do shit then I suffer later for it. you would think I would learn. But nah, not today dawg.

oh fishing, I caught 2 fish one was a stupid catfish and one was a trout. My oldest caught 2 fish as well but the last one got off his hook at the end and swam away to fishy freedom and the other was a dumb catfish. high five for Fishing.

I think were going to go again today. I don't mind fishing. I hate getting dirty . But my dad use to take my fishing a lot when I was younger so it's something I've always done, he taught me how to tie my hook and stuff so I know things.

The only thing I don't like is I live in an area with Rattle Snakes, and Its not and a desert and the place we fish is like prime Rattlesnake area, people say they don't see them around these parts but there is another snake that is harmless but looks just like a Rattlesnake and I hate snakes, they will make me piss myself . Not actually but seriously I hate them.  and I don't want to see one.  So I'm always on high alert when we go there.  My youngest who is 14 told me I didn't have to worry because he was with me and had 2 things of Arizona tea he would kill the snake with. I was thankful in that moment that I gave birth to MacGyver (autocorrect said that's how you spell it and who am I to argue with autocorrect?) and 2nd that He thought for a moment if we saw a snake he wouldn't be the first to run.

stupid snakes.

I need to do like 4000000 things this morning but I actually only want to do one, and that's put on a bra before my kids wake up. Thank baby jesus that won't be anytime soon. Lazy as shit today.

I signed up for 2 5ks next month. I'm scared to death , I've never done one. And I can currently run like .25 of the 3.5 miles. but they are walk runs so I will be fine. Right? if not at least I will have something interesting to blog about. for once.

FINE! Ill go take a shower but not because this is so super interesting I don't want to leave you hanging, I fear that its the opposite and you will want to hang yourself, I'm saving your life by ending now.

till tomorrow, bye.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Awesomely sick.

I have no voice at all today, I just can whisper. Which is kinda creepy if you didn't know I was sick. I feel fine other than I have no voice and a random cough. Creeper status WINNING.

Today is going to be hot, and I can't find the matching bottoms to the bikini I want to wear, Yes I said bikini, I know I don't have the typical bikini body but I rock what I got because its a work in progress and even though I wear one I still have a tank on because at all liking my body at the moment. but YOLO (speaking of phrases I hate)

So I was thinking yesterday about people who just jump from dude to dude, I know people who have a new *boyfriend* every week. and with in 5 mins they are best boyfriend ever, I love him so much , were getting married.... um seriously you said the same thing about the last 7 guys.  Maybe they are the best ever, I mean they have lots of knowledge on this subject. I'm just glad I'm married.

I really want a breakfast burrito , from the taco wagon in town today but they are not even open. also my dorkie yorkie won't stop barking. hows that for a random sentence?

know what song I hate at the moment ? Bitch better have my money from ReRe, I mean seriously what a waste of money producing that song. It is the dumbest thing I've ever heard besides the sound of certain peoples voices.

I really want to just show up at this graduation party I know about, you know I am down for the count when I haven't even planned that out all the way.

So in the last few months I've realized who my real friends are. and I am happy that its not that many honestly. But true colors really show when your dealing with some shit and people are like oh that's nice dear, but here are my problems.  Honestly I don't care about guy drama. I just don't . I don't care about a lot of things. If I do care you will know. I mean if I really don't care about you, I won't even bother to remember your name. 

I don't even know who all reads this lol there is still a lot I want to write that I keep holding back on, I wanted this to be raw and unfiltered . because that's how I am like I want to say have you ever hit the O and didn't have a voice? lets just say it isn't attractive.   stuff like that lol because that is my life.  and this is my platform for all things me.

buckle up things are starting to get real.

enjoy your day.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday is my 2nd favorite F word.

What is my first favorite F word? French Fries DUH! have you seen my ass, it's not like I don't eat them.

Speaking of ass I just got back from an hour at the gym which consisted of mostly cardio. High Five me!

I woke and my allergies are being a D bag so there is that going on.  I don't have anything planned for today and it feels amazing, not like the feeling when your hair is being stroked or your being kissed but not as bad a the feeling of a spider crawling on you and you look but there is nothing, that shit is terrifying because what if there was a spider on you and it is like a chameleon and it just blends in with your skin?

I know a ton of Seniors graduating on Saturday and I'm not going to any of their ceremonies ... because I'm a dick. Actually I might go to an after party because for once I want to eat other peoples foods, parties are always held at my house and I supply everything and they eat everything and leave and I have the mess. I want to go thrash someone else's party / house/life . because I'm a dick. I already said this.

Next year I'm going to have a Freshman and Junior. Who let this shit happen? who let my kids get so old? whoever is in charge of age should be fired. Maybe there isn't anyone in charge of it that's why it's so out of control. Thanks Obama.

I'm currently addicted to Pretty Little liars, I mean I always have been but season 5 was just released on Netflix and I have been binge watching it its dumb and it takes all I have to watch a full episode but I'm committed damn it. I really just like the Ezra and Aria parade . and clearly because I'm forever like 16.

This weekend is going to be like 5 million degrees but we decided its the weekend we clean the whole house. my house isn't that big but I swear I live with a bunch of hoarders. We are officially downsizing . We eventually have to move rooms around and such but for now were going to clean bedrooms and make them less bomb blew up looking and more like the Sate is coming to check our house out because they literally will be at any time, without warning. oh the joys of adoption.

That's all for today kids. Maybe if something exiting happens I'll post again today but for now i'm going to go see what aria and ezra are up to .


Thursday, June 4, 2015

The land of Delusion.....

Hi again. So yesterday ended up horrible. I am a hypochondriac and I have horrible anxiety so pare that with anything wrong with me or anyone I know and I'm a completely cluster fuck of a storm. welcome to my yesterday.

I'm not 100 percent today but fake it until you make it right?

So today I wanted to talk about how some word phrases make no sense like the one I can't even...

whenever I hear someone say that I always say : that's odd. lol get it even/odd. its not any dumber than the saying. I banned my kids from saying it.  seriously why even say it? you can't even what? cant tie your shoe, can't get a date, can't figure out life, cant even finish a sentence??? seriously stop being fucking stupid.

I'm only half functioning today I didn't sleep and my allergies are being an douche bag.  So welcome to my life. might want to wear a helmet because it's kinda a requirement.

I have another class tonight then only 2 more left! high five to the face! yo. I can't even.... I'm totally kidding. about that.

I mean I do have only 2 more left after tonight but the rest was a joke. but I sometimes do want to high five people in the face.

can we just take a moment to talk about my zulily addiction?  I thought my amazon one was bad, but zulily makes it so easy to one click buy shit. so easy. YEsterday 2 boxes and a blue bubble package came , none of it was for me it was all for the adoptee ( I'm not ready to talk about that whole shitfest yet) but still packages make me happy.

also Ebay...  that's always fun. But I get so competitive that I will pay more than I wanted to for something because god forbid I lose. I'm not as bad as I use to be. I'm actually just bidding and closing the page and if I win , awesome if not.... great.

This blog post is boring, I can't always be exciting. and I never told you to have any expectations for this blog because I'm the one writing it.

oh so this am I reminded the boys they were going to class with us tonight because it's all about adoption and my youngest son only half ass listened and said Eww why would we want to go to a  class about abortion??? good question kid! maybe you should listen to everything I say because we all know its fucking very useful information! kidding I laughed .

School is almost out for the summer. Next week is their last week. and our last week of class too.  Our pool is filled and ready for swimmers, there is a secret planned for next weekend I'm pretty excited about.  I'm not at all excited that for the next 2 weeks the temperature outside will literally be hell fire.

I'm boring myself so I will close this here, sorry for whoever reads this. If you got this far let me know and I will send you a gold star or an apology I'm not sure what one maybe both.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

I could really use a drink.

I don't always drink , but when I do it's most the time. I'm kidding. I think.

So Hi, I don't know what I want to talk about today so this should be interesting..

I just got back from the gym. I try to go 4 days a week but sometimes its like 2 or 3 but 4 is my goal. so full of goals this one.

So I went to Adoption class yesterday, and one I have horrible ADD so sitting there for 3 hours is torture, but add cramps and a horrible day to the mix and I didn't really want to people at all yesterday. But I did it because I had to. There is this one lady who is in the class and she annoys the holy living shit out of me.  She has to be the second coming of Christ (if you believe that bs)  because she knows all and is the most perfect person to walk the face of the earth. NEWSFLASH I am the most perfect person. Roll has been taken. I'm sure maybe she is in the trailer park , but were out of the park in the class.

3 more classes, 3 more classes. That's what I repeat to myself . It does not work but at least I'm not choking her in my mind. I wouldn't actually choke someone but you know what I mean. and if you don't we can't be friends. sorry.

Today I really don't feel like doing anything. But I really need to clean my kids rooms. I know they are teenagers but DAMN ! boys are gross. I'm kinda scared to clean their rooms.. what if I find gross stuff that I will never be able to erase from my mind??? what if they have a dead hooker under their bed?  what if I find the reason to why they never have socks?  so much I'm not prepared for. I guess today won't be the day I clean their room. that problem is solved.

Do your kids ever say shit and your like, yep I created that? or you think.. maybe I Should of breast feed them longer...  Yesterday was the latter with my oldest, He is going to be 16 and he looks nothing like me but he talks and your like oh there she is.

So he comes home from school and offers me a starburst and I decline because (diet) I actually really wanted one but I said no, so he goes in his room and later comes back out with them and then I ate 3 ( I'm only human) so he says to me : Mom I reached a whole new level of lazy today, walking home exhausted me  so much that I was to tired to take the wrapper off the starburst so I just ate the whole thing wrapper and all, and the saddest part is I ate like 3 or 4 of them that way...

I seriously just looked at him then I\ posted it to facebook because, mom of the year award isn't going to earn itself.

So there is a huge fire currently raging in my town , well the out skirts of town, I wish it would burn the whole town down, not the people I'm not a total nut job.  It can get my house though, I could volunteer for tribute.  (my house, not me)

I'm done rambling for today. I have a post for tomorrow already thought out as I was typing this one. always thinking this one.


Tuesday, June 2, 2015


So I woke up today and thought man I am not getting out of bed today, but Obviously I did get out of bed, because duh.
Then as I sat on the couch not even the least bit dressed ( ok I am dressed) a great Idea occurred to me that I should probably start a blog. Because my life is not even the least bit interesting but I always seem to have a lot to say.

So Hi welcome to the ramblings of me. I am Amy and I am probably the most random , blonde ding dong you could ever meet. My life is crazy. I am almost 35. I have been married almost 17 years. I know you all are doing the math so I will help your brain out I was married when I was 18. I have 2 teenage sons. and were in the process of adopting a toddler. (much much more on that later.)

Sidenote : if you are a grammer Nazi you should run far away from this blog because I have no F's when it comes to that. I just don't have time for that shiz.

I live in a stupid town that I desperately want out of . I try to work out and run everyday, but lets face it its more like a few times a week because LIFE.

I don't have any expectations for this blog. I just will come here daily and post bullshit mostly. or whatever is on my mind. which lets face it is mostly bullshit. 

You should probably know that I'm real, I have no filter most the time on my mouth, I say whatever comes to mind, and I cuss a lot.  I am an adult its one of the perks. I am a crappy housewife, I mean I have the greatest intentions of doing all the laundry but sometimes I get distracted by Netflix and the washing machine may or may not wash the clothes 3 times before they actually go to the dryer. Oh Netflix you are the reason shit doesn't get done, but I do love you so.

also did I mention I have an awesome husband? because I do. he is the best human I have ever known. he is my everything.

um, your probably wondering what is the point to this blog? well that's the thing there isn't a point to it. Just like there isn't a point to most anything I do. I just do stuff mostly I do it half assed but sometimes I fully do stuff. Like shopping I commit  the shit out of shopping. why quit what your good at right? am I right?

This is also my birthday month. So there will be lots about that, because there is nothing I Like more than talking about me.. that's a lie, I currently have mixed feelings about myself. but I do like talking about nonsense so lets keep to that topic.

I haven't blogged in years, so I will end this one here. because it will just be more randomness and Honey there will be loads of that in every other thing I post.
